
恭喜袁岚论文在Applied Catalysis B上接受发表!论文题目:Unveiling the interplay between light-driven CO2 photocatalytic reduction and carbonaceous residues decomposition: a case study of Bi2WO6-TiO2 binanosheets

恭喜解修强论文在Applied Catalysis B上接受发表!论文题目:Ti3C2Tx MXene as a Janus cocatalyst for concurrent promoted photoactivity and inhibited photocorrosion

恭喜徐艺军老师受邀在Chem上发表论文!论文题目:Function-Oriented Engineering of Metal-Based Nanohybrids for Photoredox Catalysis: Exerting Plasmonic Effect and Beyond

恭喜王茹和卢康强论文在Applied Catalysis B上接受发表!论文题目:3D carbon quantum dots/graphene aerogel as a metal-free catalyst for enhanced photosensitization efficiency

恭喜翁波论文在Nature Communications上接受发表!论文题目:Stabilizing ultrasmall Au clusters for enhanced photoredox catalysis

恭喜全泉论文在Small上接受发表!论文题目:Revealing the Double-Edged Sword Role of Graphene on Boosted Charge Transfer versus Active Site Control in TiO2 Nanotube Arrays@RGO/MoS2 Heterostructure

恭喜卢康强论文在Journal of Materials Chemistry A上接受发表!论文题目:Photoredox catalysis over graphene aerogel-supported composite

恭喜卢康强和袁岚论文在Applied Catalysis B上接受发表!论文题目:Hybridization of graphene oxide with commercial graphene for constructing 3D metal-free aerogel with enhanced photocatalysis

恭喜卢康强论文在Applied Catalysis B上接受发表!论文题目:Rational utilization of highly conductive, commercial Elicarb graphene to advance the graphene-semiconductor composite photocatalysis

恭喜徐艺军老师受邀在物理化学学报上发表论文!论文题目:Improving the Efficiency of Carbon Quantum Dots as Visible Light Photosensitizer by Polyamine Interfacial Modification

恭喜袁岚和翁波论文在Small上接受发表!论文题目:Multichannel Charge Transfer and Mechanistic Insight in Metal Decorated 2D-2D Bi2WO6-TiO2 Cascade with Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance

恭喜徐艺军老师受邀在物理化学学报“高被引科学家特刊”上发表论文!论文题目:Photoelectrochemical Reduction of CO2 over Graphene-Based Composites: Basic Principle, Recent Progress, and Future Perspective

恭喜全泉和林新论文在Nanoscale上接受发表!论文题目:Graphene and its derivatives as versatile templates for materials synthesis and functional applications

恭喜王茹和卢康强论文在Journal of Materials Chemistry A上接受发表!论文题目:Recent progress in carbon quantum dots: synthesis, properties and applications in photocatalysis

恭喜杨美玲论文在Langmuir上接受发表!论文题目:Insight into the Role of Size Modulation on Tuning Band Gap and the Photocatalytic Performance of Semiconducting Nitrogen-Doped Graphene

恭喜韩创论文在Small上接受发表!论文题目:Progressive Design of Plasmonic Metal-Semiconductor Ensemble toward Regulated Charge Flow and Improved Vis-NIR-Driven Solar-to-Chemical Conversion

恭喜陈燕和辛欣论文在Particle上接受发表!论文题目:Aluminum-based Plasmonic Photocatalysis

恭喜徐艺军老师和陈浩铭老师在Electrocatalysis for oxygen evolution reaction研究方向上的合作论文在Chemical Society Reviews上接受发表!论文题目:Electrocatalysis for oxygen evolution reaction: recent development and future perspective

恭喜杨民权论文在Journal of Catalysis上接受发表!论文题目:Metal-free, robust, and regenerable 3D graphene-organics aerogel with high and stable photosensitization efficiency

恭喜张楠论文在Journal of Materials Chemistry A上接受发表!论文题目:Vertically aligned ZnO-Au@CdS core-shell nanorod arrays as an all-solid-state vectorial Z-scheme system for photocatalytic application
