
​恭喜陈昱论​文被Industrial Chemistry & Materials选为封面!

​恭喜邵鑫妮论​文在Molecular Catalysis接受发表​!论文题目:MoS2 decorated CdS composite catalyst for photoredox-mediated C–N coupling of amines to imines and hydrogen production

​恭喜高隆辉和肖蔚云论文在Molecular Catalysis上接受发表!论文题目:Photoredox-catalyzed coupling of CO2 reduction and amines oxidation by Cu doped CdS quantum dots

恭喜李月华论文在ACS Catalysis上接受发表!论文题目:Selective Imines Synthesis by Designing Atomic-level Cu-Pt Electron Transfer Channel over CdS Nanosheets

​恭喜陈昱论文在Industrial Chemistry & Materials接受发表​!论文题目:Cocatalyst-modified In2S3 photocatalyst for C–N coupling of amines integrated with H2 evolution

​恭喜祁明雨论文在Angewandte Chemie上接受发表!论文题目:Efficient and Direct Functionalization of Allylic sp3 C-H Bonds with Concomitant CO2 Reduction

恭喜李晓娟论文被Chinese Journal of Catalysis选为封面!

恭喜李晓娟论文在Chinese Journal of Catalysis上接受发表!论文题目:Visible Light-Driven Dehydrocoupling of Thiols to Disulfides and H2 Evolution over PdS-Decorated ZnIn2S4 Composite

徐艺军老师和陈浩铭老师合作论文在Chemical Society Reviews上接受发表!论文题目:Spatially and temporally understanding dynamic solid-electrolyte interfaces in carbon dioxide electroreduction

恭喜谭昌龙和祁明雨论文在ACS Catalysis上接受发表!论文题目:Isolated Single-Atom Cobalt in ZnIn2S4 Monolayer with Exposed Zn Sites for CO2 Photofixation

恭喜王寅峰和祁明雨论文在Angewandte Chemie上接受发表!论文题目:New Radical Route and Insight for Highly Efficient Benzimidazoles Synthesis Integrated with Hydrogen Evolution

​恭喜李婧宇、谭昌龙和祁明雨论文在Angewandte Chemie上接受发表!论文题目:Exposed Zinc Sites on Hybrid ZnIn2S4@CdS Nanocages for Efficient Regioselective Photocatalytic Epoxide Alcoholysis

恭喜祁明雨论文在ACS Catalysis上接受发表!论文题目:Near Field Scattering Optical Model Based Catalyst Design for Artificial Photoredox Transformation

恭喜张译和祁明雨论文在ACS Catalysis上接受发表!论文题目:Photoredox-Catalyzed Plastic Waste Conversion: Nonselective Degradation versus Selective Synthesis

​恭喜张琳星和祁明雨论文在Research上接受发表!论文题目:Heterostructure Engineered Semiconductor Quantum Dots toward Photocatalyzed-Redox Cooperative Coupling Reaction

恭喜​郑剑辉和祁明雨论文在Journal of Materials Chemistry A上接受发表!论文题目:Manipulating selective amines transformation pathway via cocatalyst-modified monolayer ZnIn2S4 photocatalyst

恭喜吴慧丽和祁明雨论文在Journal of Materials Chemistry A上接受发表!论文题目:Semiconductor quantum dots: a versatile platform for photoredox organic transformation

恭喜祁明雨论文在ACS Nano上接受发表!论文题目:Engineering Semiconductor Quantum Dots for Selectivity Switch on High-Performance Heterogeneous Coupling Photosynthesis

恭喜孙铭慧和祁明雨论文在Chinese Chemical Letters上接受发表!论文题目:Interfacial engineering of CdS for efficient coupling photoredox

恭喜孙铭慧和祁明雨论文在Applied Catalysis B上接受发表!论文题目:Dual cocatalysts decorated CdS nanoparticles for efficient dehydrocoupling of thiols into disulfides
